Me and You (2012) BRRip 720p

Hai sobat Zero's hari ini saya akan update film bergenre Family Drama gitu , pokonya ga kalah seru dramanya sama Red Dog & Compulsion deh , langsung saja

Name : Me and You
Release Date : 25 October 2012
Genre : Drama | Family
Rating IMDB : IMDB
Quality : BRRip 720p
Size :623 Mb
Source : Google Drive

Synopsis :
A 14-year-old pretends to go on a ski trip, but actually spends the week in isolation in his basement, escaping society's pressure. When his 25-year-old half-sister enters the basement, a few emotional and confronting days and nights ensue

SINGLE LINK : Download Here 

  • Download → Ekstract File → Selamat Menonton :) 
  • Sudah termasuk subtitlenya juga loh :)
  • Cara download di Google Drive dengan IDM : Click Here

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