The Vatican Exorcisms (2013) DVDRip
Genre: Horror
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Directed by: Simo Halinen
Starring: Leea Klemola, Peter Franzén, Ria Kataja
Release Name: The Vatican Exorcisms (2013)
Size: 400 MB
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Directed by: Simo Halinen
Starring: Leea Klemola, Peter Franzén, Ria Kataja
Release Name: The Vatican Exorcisms (2013)
Size: 400 MB
Sinopsis: The Vatican Exorcisms (2013) DVDRipDitemukan Rekaman jenis dokumenter setelah pembuat film AS Joe Marino saat ia menuju ke Italia untuk menyelidiki eksorsisme dan kebenaran di balik rumor kerasukan setan. Joe terutama ditarik ke selatan Italia, di mana keyakinan kerasukan setan dan eksorsisme budaya berakar baik dalam budaya masyarakat sehari-hari dan ajaran Katolik gereja. Dia ditemani oleh Padre Luigi, seorang pengusir setan berlatih, untuk perjalanan, karena ia berusaha untuk menggali ke dalam topik yang telah menangkap imajinasi dari banyak menyusul kesuksesan film seperti William Friedkin 'The Exorcist' (1973).
Found Footage type documentary following US film-maker Joe Marino as he heads to Italy to investigate exorcisms and the truth behind rumours of demonic possession. Joe is particularly drawn to the south of Italy, where the belief in demonic possession and the culture of exorcisms is rooted in both the culture of the everyday people and the Catholic teachings of the church. He is accompanied by Padre Luigi, a practicing exorcist, for the journey, as he endeavours to delve into a topic that has captured the imagination of many following the success of films such as William Friedkin’s ‘The Exorcist’ (1973).
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