A Resurrection (2013) DVDRip (Download Film)

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 A Resurrection (2013) DVDRip
A Resurrection is the story of a down to earth high school psychologist who tries to help amentally ill student who actually believes his brother is returning from the grave for revenge on the students who killed him. He’s a tough egg to crack and as he slowly feeds her clues into his brother’s mysterious death, she has her sheriff’s deputy fiancĂ© verify the less than believable and vague information. And before she can get his mind right, she unwittingly falls into his plot to keep her and the other students locked in the school until his brother can arrive at six along with the evil spirit that now inhabits him, keeping him alive until he can take his six souls and leave him whole again.
Kebangkitan adalah kisah tentang seorang turun ke bumi psikolog sekolah tinggi yang mencoba untuk membantu siswa amentally sakit yang benar-benar percaya saudaranya kembali dari kubur untuk membalas dendam pada siswa yang membunuhnya. Dia telur sulit untuk retak dan saat ia perlahan feed petunjuk ke dalam kematian misterius kakaknya, dia memiliki sheriff nya wakil tunangan memverifikasi kurang informasi dipercaya dan samar-samar. Dan sebelum dia bisa mendapatkan pikirannya benar, dia sengaja jatuh ke dalam plot untuk menjaga dia dan siswa lainnya terkunci di sekolah sampai saudaranya dapat tiba di enam bersama dengan roh jahat yang sekarang mendiami dia, tetap hidup sampai ia dapat mengambil enam jiwa dan meninggalkan dia utuh lagi.
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